Tuesday, August 31, 2010

30 days of P90X

It’s been 30 days, and although I’ve had a few bumps on the way, I did it. P90X is so difficult, but it gets the job done. I began it weighing in at 155, and now I’m at 147. I have to say that is awesome considering how big my boobs and butt are. Just looking at my 1 day and then my 30 day photos is inspiration to continue. I haven’t measured myself to see how many in I’ve lost, but my clothes is loose enough that I know I’ve lost everywhere.
Before starting, I let Marcus know that I wanted to do this, and he was totally on board. He started the week after me b/c of his surgery, and he is going strong. I can already tell that he is buffing up and losing the lbs too. The other day, we were playing with Nick, and I poke him on his side close to his abs, and it was totally hard. I mean complete muscle. I had to keep feeling around b/c it was so unbelievable. We’re gonna be the hottest couple out there; hotter than Brad and Angelina! Oh yeah!

Nick is working on his own exercises. Even though he does not like being on his belly, he loves sitting up and scooching around on his butt and knees. Most of the time it's backwards though. I almost think he will skip the crawling and go to standing/walking. He will grab onto my leg or the foot stool and try and lift himself onto his knees.

Monday, August 23, 2010

1st day of class

I was late for work today which made me think of a million different things.  Coming out of my neighborhood, I saw the kiddies waiting for the bus. Going down the road to get to the freeway I passed about 5 school buses, and getting even closer I found myself stuck in traffic with a bunch of high school kids in their nice cars waiting to turn right to get to the school.
Nick is 7 month now, and in 4 yrs he'll be starting Pre-K and in 5 he'll be in Kindergarten. A scarier thought is when he starts high school or better yet his Senior year of high school in 17 yrs. I cannot imagine my little baby during any of those times. I know that it'll come sooner than I think, but I don't want to think about it.
Then I thought of my first days of school, and they were scary every single year. I was always nervous thinking I'd go into the wrong class room. It'd be scary to think of the kids from last year that never talked to me and the new kids that would probably never talk to me. Then high school was a little different since I had my choir friends and I'd always look forward to every year until my last year.
I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Nick is comfortable in school. I know I won't be able to control the other kids, but I can make sure he does whatever he wants in school and outside of school. I never got to join much b/c I was scared my dad would say now, and even when I was in choir he told me to quit b/c of the 1 time he had to drop me off at school for a musical. Because of how sensitive I was, I cried that evening and my mom made it ok afterward. I'll make sure Nick will never feel like that.
My sister started school too. Her first day in a university. I am so proud of her, but I have to say I'm a little worried. Sometimes she doesn't pay attention, and I worry that she'll miss a test or a paper. Then I think of how we'll be sending Nick off to college also in 18 yrs. What school will he go to? Will he go on an academic scholarship or an athletic scholarship? What will he want to be? I don't really care as long as he's happy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Screaming = Calm

Nick is beginning to through temper tantrums.  I've read that you can not spoil a child at this age, so what would this be called.  He will grab my phone, and if I try to take it away he'll begin screaming with no tears.  When he does do this I do not give in, and he gets louder and louder and he begins wiping his hand around.  Then what should I do?  For now I just pick him up to make him stop crying and once he's done, he'll continue to play with his toys. Sometimes I just roll my eyes and continue playing with Nick.
Other days, it's not so easy. It becomes difficult when I don't know what Nick wants.  He cries and won't stop. It's been about 7 months so I've been able to not stress out and deal. Other times when I am tired from work, I get home and he's upset, I try my hardest to keep from poking my eyes out.
I've always been a nervous person, so having a child has not made it easier. What it has done is help me control my nervous tendencies. With Nick, I've taken things as they come, not only with him, but with my entire life. There is no reason to get worked up over things; things have come up, and even though the solution doesn't come to me at the moment, I know that there is always a solution. I am calm, I don't think negative as I did before, and I know life continues.
Nick has made me a better person, and the wonderful smile makes everything so much better. Even when I want to poke my eye out.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm sure no one really know where Nick is in his milestones.
Marcus is still watching him during the day, so he's been keeping me posted with messages, pictures, and videos. It's definitely not the situation we'd like to be in, but my prayer was answered. Before I went back to work, I would prey that he would be taken care of by someone we'd be able to trust, some one responsible, and some one that we'd be able to afford. Of course, I never wanted to send Nick to daycare, and this is how God answered my prayer. Marcus has been the best "caretaker" for our son. It's been fabulous, but I think we're both ready for a great job he can go to every weekday.
Nick has not started to crawl yet. He loves to sit and play with his ball. He will hit it with his hands and feet. He scoots on his butt, and he goes in circles while on his belly.
The little man babbles a lot and bites his lower lip, just like my cousin. Oh yes, and the biggest thing lately is that that his bottom teeth are growing out. I can feel them every time he grabs my hand to bite at it.
He loves to eat really food. We make his babyfood by steaming, boiling, or baking all of his foods. Anything green is #1, peas and green beans. He eats his oatmeal cereal like a champ. The one thing we're having a hard time with are fruits. He doesn't seem to really like them. Sweet potatoes he's good with (not a veggie, but sweet), apple's he's finally starting to like if we mix with cereal, and bananas are only good for a few spoon fulls. Of course, I'm happy he loves veggies, but I want him to love fruit too. We're gettin' there, I guess.
We know he's definitely ours b/c he loves music. I sing to him and he smiles, I dance with him and he bob's up and down, and he falls asleep with whatever is playing on his iPod. That could be Motown, Disney, Dean Martin, or Cri Cri (kids music in Spanish). I need to update his library though, and I've been thinking of taking him to Kindermusik; hopefully, we'll be able to go next semester.
Everyday I see how he represents his mommy and daddy, but he is still his own person. Wow!

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Thoughts that I can't say out loud and have been eating me up

I've been doing P90X for 12 days already. I've lost 5 lbs as of Saturday, so it's working. I can tell in my tummy and my butt that things are "looking up." Although I am succeeding, I'm a little bothered. Before I began people were saying, "You have to have had some kind of workout routine before starting; maybe b/c it's geared towards men." I've had others say, "I know people that have done this and it didn't deliver." Of course I did hear positive things, but it made me think that maybe it'll be too tough and I won't last. Now that I've been doing it for 12 days and see no signs of stopping or skipping days, I can say, those people are just lazy and still don't know that it takes hard work and dedication to succeed at anything, including P90X. I haven't truly exercised since before pregnancy, which was more than a year ago, and I'm doing great. Marcus also started and is now on day 3.

Another thing that I'm tired of are people that say that their diets aren't working. The reason you people are gaining weight is because your eating too much crap. You won't loose weight eating small amounts of crap one day to save up the calories to eat large amount of crap over the weekend. Don't you see that you can eat more if you eat things that have less calories like fruits and vegetables, and yes, good carbs. Good carbs like whole grain and whole wheat keep you full longer; not those stupid white bread hot dog or hamburger buns. A big ass colorful salad with ranch dressing is still better than a small order of fries from a fast food restaurant. Look at what your eating; don't you think that affects how you feel and perform throughout the day. No, I'm not perfect, but I don't complain if I don't get results either. Plus, cooking at home with Marcus has definitely kept me from straying and looking for nuggets or fries.

Another thing that has been killing me lately are people that are inconsiderate. Of course, your world revolves around you, but I still have to live in the world that you created for yourself. I do not like asking anyone for anything. If I ask for something it's because only I can't go any further on my own. Don't forget about me because I hate asking 2 or 3 X if it's been done. I'm glad I don't ask for things at the last minute b/c I'd miss a lot of opportunities. Also, when the people I ask fall short and don't tell me, don't you think it's a huge disappointment when I find out down the road that something was not done at all or just half ass.
I think I'm done saying what I've been wanting to tell a lot of people for a while.

Visit my blog The Haynes Life