Monday, July 27, 2009

Marcus comes home

Marcus is coming home tomorrow, and I am so relieved. After the past 2 weeks I've learned that he balances me out. I like cooking but don't like doing the dishes, and with out him I did neither. Before he left I was doing well eating healthier for the baby, but I've been eating crap for dinner 3 of the 7 days of the week. He also keeps me somewhat in line with the excercising; I need to start walking, so we'll definitely keep up with that. It's also weird reading about the growth of Baby, and not having time to share it with him.
By the way, Baby's the size of a lemon; 3.4 inches.
On another note, last Thursday I went to my doctor's visit with my mom and we heard Baby's heartbeat. Awesome! Baby kept moving around, so it was a tad hard for doc to find Baby. I still can't believe I'm prego. My belly is starting to get bigger, but I think I'm the only one noticing it. We'll see what Marc says when he sees me tomorrow. I wounder how big I'll get? I guess we'll see in 6 more months.

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